Çerez Örnek


Engineering is the art of organizing and managing people, controlling materials and power of nature. Civil engineering is one of the fundamental engineering with this aspect.


What do civil engineers do?

A civil engineer picks up a material from nature and shape it the way that would be useful for humanity. Contrary to popular belief, civil engineer does not just construct buildings. Civil engineer works in all stages of development and construction of a country. Some of these work areas are railway, highway, bridge, dam, power plant, factory, industrial plant, treatment plant, port, airport, business center etc.

In today's technological conditions, size and work load of constructions has increased. Thousands of people and machines have been operated 24 hours a day in some construction sites nowadays. Managing such a construction site and optimizing workers and machines have become a problem itself. 

At this point, an engineer in the manager position of such a construction site must have certain skills on organization and management rather than technical knowledge. It is now a necessity for an engineer to gain management skills beside the technical knowledge acquired in past education. Here, Ege University Department of Civil Engineering is aware of this fact and teaches business management classes besides the civil engineering education. Thus, young engineers who graduate from this department will have both engineering and management knowledge.


About Department

The Education in Ege University Civil Engineering Department under Engineering Faculty was begun in 1994-1995,

Considering civil engineers should possess management skills beside the technical knowledge, multiple business courses are also taught along with civil engineering education.  By this means, young engineers graduating from this department will have both engineering and business qualifications.

There are six subdepartments in our Civil Engineering Department; 

Department of Construction 

Department of Construction Materials

Department of Construction Management 

Department of Geotechnics

Department of Transportation 

Department of Hydraulics 








Ege Üniversitesi